The Farrer’s 2009 [Christmas Letter]
Clarke continues to direct the Grand Teton Council here in Idaho Falls. Scouting is still going strong thanks to a community that supports the Scouting effort!
Nancy is attending BYU-Idaho to certify in Early Childhood Special Education. Hopefully there’s a job waiting for her as soon as she certifies.
We traveled to San Francisco this summer to attend our nephew Mike Reed’s wedding. It was a lot of fun being with several members of Nancy’s family. However, driving though millions of crickets on the highway on the way back was disgusting!! The noise! The smell! UGH! We also went on a 30 mile canoe trip down the Snake River. We swamped the canoe twice but we had fun and plan to do it again. Our summer vacation was building a patio in our back yard. We had to move 12,000 pounds of rock by hand.
Clarke D., Bethany, and Benjamin (15 months), are living in College Station, Texas, while Clarke finishes up his degree in Recreational Management at Texas A&M. August is his projected graduation month. We are proud of him! Bethany flew up to Idaho Falls with Benjamin in July. It was so good to see them. It’s hard to live apart from them. We’re watching Benjamin grow up on webcam.
Daniel, Sarah, Wyatt (18 months) are living in Rexburg while Dan finishes up his degree in Psychology from BYU-I. He expects to graduate in April. (Hooray!) In January, we’re expecting Bella, our third grandbaby. We’re so excited—but not as much as Sarah is.
Shawn will finish up his mission at the end of March. He’s been serving in a rough part of Newark, New Jersey, and LOVES it. He’s had several baptisms and has grown to love the people he works with and the area/ward that he lives in. Clarke and Nancy both graduated from High School in New Jersey and Connecticut so we’re going to take a stroll down memory lane when we go to pick him up.
Amanda and Derek also live in Rexburg where they both attend BYU-I. They’re busy and happy and are enjoying life. Amanda is working on her Elementary Education degree and Derek is studying Mechanical Engineering.
We love Idaho and the Lord has truly blessed us and our family. Everyone is healthy and happy and firm in their testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
Season’s greetings with love and best wishes from,
The Farrer Family
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